This video was produced by Neil Davidson of who are a leading video production company. As any marketer in a competitive field knows; in order to stand out from the crowd you need to do things differently. I covered this in my last video blog in relation to the actual production of your video content. In this video I am going to discuss a simple techniques to help you gain visibility through online video marketing. Firstly we will look at using YouTube and your blog to get search engine traffic through video. All major search engines have been incredibly proactive in their efforts to improve the quality of the experience for their users -- therefore having good content on your website is of utmost importance. Having a series of video blogs is one of the easier ways to achieve this. Here is the step by step process: First; Write down the ten most common problems/concerns/issues that your customers come to you with. Now, film yourself answering these questions -- you just need a camera on a tripod and you against a blank white wall or sheet -- you could even use screencast videos of you explaining how to solve a problem visually. Next, Edit the video into ten separate videos so that you are answering a single question with each video, and ensure that there is a clear call to action at the end of each video. Then, Put all 10 videos onto your Youtube channel, making sure that you give the videos a clear and descriptive title and that you fill in the description box with a very detailed description of what you cover in the video -- this helps your video to get traffic both from within Youtube and from the wider web. Then add a closed caption subtitle file to the video which also helps it to get found. Add a link to your website in the first paragraph of the description so that viewers of the video on Youtube can find your website easily. You are now done on the YouTube set up -- now onto your website: Firstly; Create a blog post for each video and embed the video from Youtube onto your web page. Then; As search engines need textual content to understand your video you will need to write a textual description around the video on your blog; make sure that it is well written and covers everything that the content of the video covers. Make sure that you have social sharing buttons on your blog post pages so that visitors can share your content with their social networks. You now have 10 videos on Youtube and 10 videos on your blog -- all capable of pulling in web traffic from search engines. As video content is still nowhere near as prolific on the web as textual content your blogs have a much greater chance of ranking for the search terms relating to your business than competitors plain textual blog posts. Why not take a look at our other blogs and video blogs to learn more about video production for the web: Find out how we make better corporate videos:
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Google leads in online video; Facebook overtakes Yahoo
BtoB Magazine
... in the U.S. reached 36.9 billion in July, up slightly from the previous month, according to online intelligence company comScore Inc. Google Inc. sites, predominantly its YouTube channel, continued to dominate, with a 53.1% share of all online ...
Smart TV risks for pay-TV providers
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Need Video Ad Inventory? Visible Measures Says it Can Help
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Gannett buys social-media ad company Blinq Media
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How to Increase Your Search Rank Using Social Media
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New York Times
Confirmed: Gannett Has Bought Social Media Ad Company BLiNQ ...
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Gannett purchases social media marketing company BLiNQ Media ...
By Ki Mae Heussner
After a summer that has seen increased activity in social media marketing, media giant Gannett Co. today announced that it has purchased BLiNQ Media, which helps companies execute and manage ad campaigns on Facebook and other ...
Gannett Buys Social Media Marketing Firm Blinq
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Gannett is buying social media marketing firm Blinq Media.
Mashable » Business
Puerto Rico: Social Media Plays Important Role in Referendum ...
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The NO prevailed on the referendum that took place in Puerto Rico last August 19th. to amend the country's constitution. Social media played a huge role throughout the campaign process in favor and against the proposed amendments.
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Looking for a job in digital media? Each week we highlight some of the most interesting positions posted to paidContent's jobs board. Check out the latest gigs at ...
Report: Congress broke social media rules in rush to discuss Ryan ...
Several Congress members may have broken the rules regulating official use of social media last weekend when responding to Mitt Romney's announcement of ...
Social media and online comments 'causing writers to self-censor ...
Comments on Guardian articles are often the domain of trolls who don't bother reading past the standfirst, Patrick Ness tells conference.
You Are Not a Social Media Jedi, Ninja, Sherpa, or Guru | Inside ...
On Twitter profiles, blog bios, and Facebook pages across the social media sphere, inflated social media titles are rampant. People claiming to be experts with ...

Social media news and new developments making social media marketing easier. (Google+ ...
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